Monday 20 October 2008

Our bodacious night out...

It began last friday at 5 o clock when Chris (aka the Prophet of Truth) and I made the Chocolate cake from Roal Dahl's Matilda.
This is a picture i took of Chris consuming it:

Wild rating: Oscar Wilde.

It kind of collapsed under the weight of its own chocolaty intensity but I survived a couple of slices of it.

After that was accomplished we wandered down to off beat where we met the esteemed William Bradbury. Off beat was great, they didn't play One Armed Scissor but I did get to dance in an aggressive manner around the DJ.

Here is a picture of us throwing some shapes:

Wild rating: Chip Taylor

This is where things really got interesting. While Frank and Jules flaked off, Will, Chris and I opted for an obstacle course of fun as our route home. Firstly we hassled Dan the Rapist a bit but he was totally cool about it:

So that's okay.

Then Chris de_stroyed us at climbing up some stairs without touching the stairs.
Shortly after that we found ourselves shortcutting through western park via an acre of prime air conditioning units. There was this sweet ladder down the other side straight out of metal gear solid.

Wild rating:

Some sweet shit happened before we got home, Will jumped over a bush into a hedge and then we found this roundabout.
Once we got home we had a jamming session, here is an extract:

Wild rating: CBBC Wild

A truly euphoric experience.


I met a man who had no shoes,
I set fire to him, that man was no longer cold,

To expound upon an earlier question, life is relative, and language more so, I may not speak the same dialect that you do, but does that make yours or mine any less correct, we hear tell of the recieved pronunciation of Queen's English, but pray, how has she decided to formulate such a language, and who gave her the possession of our nation's most treasured wealth. Language is art, and within its artistry lies eternal mystery, whence came the vowel? Who are the noun? Participles why must you dangle so? Language is the ultimate form of expression, and all other mediums pale into its purity of thought, purpose, chastity and brilliance.

Listening to: The sound coming from my skylight
Mood: euphoric

Monday 13 October 2008

Food for Thought

Hello my name is Boris, and I have been invited to add an artistic flair to this otherwise dry forum of minds. I dabble in the exploration of the Human soul through the purest of mediums, Art.
My canvas is life itself but I occasionally use MS Paint (though it has taken me many years to master is intricacies).
My latest materpeice is simply called "Life" and I shall premiere it here.

It is a visual representation of Life's never ending rotary nature, everything always repeats itself, yet it does not as our finite time slowly ticks away...

Thursday 9 October 2008


what the fucks man these hos be up in my grill thinking there pre-pubescent shackspear i havent laughed so much since i saws that sicknasty video of russell crowe fellating himself shit was out there peace out emos

p.s. check out dis sound poem

A poem, by Mervyn Peake

Four steps forwards, one step back

It seems as if the essential essence of truth, its veritessence if you will has become corrupted with the leavings of decadence. They say that Chivalry is dead, but you may wonder what they is, and who is Chivalry? Questions such as these beg to be defined, meaning may be drawn from all the multitudinous variances of the greater whole, but it is only within the essential core of question that truth can be found to define a question in terms of itself is indeed bad form, but this author humbly asks, whence comes the truth? If questions be the basis of discourse, how can it be that enquiry without honest intrigue is little more than bland discovery. A fragment may only be a half of the whole, but truth can be found within the smallest mote of speech, a shard of language, the basic engine of human communication, even a meme. The essential vehicle for the diffusion of the ideal is discourse, and beauty it is said is in the eye of a beholder, but what do tentacle monsters believe to be fair? Life is relative, and language more so, an understanding of the world may be comprehensive or severely lacking, but the essential, veritessential crux of the matter is the supremacy of the cheese as the ultimate of foodstuffs, a lactose product so perfect in its perfidy, the cheese must be obeyed, for that is its function, and all who ignore its laws pervert the basic truths of nature.

Wednesday 8 October 2008

Synergy of ALL THINGS

As my grandfather once said:

Can I be outside the whale?
Stars, ever elusive...

We beings manipulate systems through the conversion of energy into order. Like when preparing a feast: To achieve cosmological beauty the agent must direct elements in a symphony, often a particular line runs cataclysmically into others. Like the strings rising, the water boils, but never over. Until the engorged bassoon erupts.
At the moment of poise, (nay, equipoise!), where timing and aesthetic become the very pithy essence, we leverage the natural synergenic tendency of matter to strike a tableaux, with form and technique ideally framed.

(mood: A refined sense of regret)

triple what?

Tuesday 7 October 2008

About Me

Yo whazzz up dawgs my name chris but my people call me C.t. , I just tuned 15 and felt like you know shit been gettin real up in my life and like i wanna take responsibility fo mo creative input and shit fo real. I got a lotta opines bout shit and wanna discuss stuff, i think ive real got too old for myspace and need a special place of peace to chill and write down secret shit HOLLA

Age 15
Fave Movies Advent Children (the ending made me cry-Aries 4 life fuck the haterz), Youtube, the one with jackie chan and chris tucker and chris tucker is all like ahhhhh yo bitches um chris tucker CHRIS TUCKER
Music phat tunes wit slick vocals

mood- tentative excitement, like im on the edge of a brave new place 4 like accepting myself, like vegeta when he was all like dude we gotta level up or cells gonna beat on us (p.s. all you drangonball playas check ur skills i been working on a dragonball drama piece fo a bit and its gonna bust heads in the community)

Hwat is this for exactly?

Just wondering, I mean, can I post things like Trowell, bring me some milk? Or is it for airy, theological epistomenical and philosophical debate of the meanings of life?

Mood: four dots and a squiggly line