Thursday 9 October 2008

Four steps forwards, one step back

It seems as if the essential essence of truth, its veritessence if you will has become corrupted with the leavings of decadence. They say that Chivalry is dead, but you may wonder what they is, and who is Chivalry? Questions such as these beg to be defined, meaning may be drawn from all the multitudinous variances of the greater whole, but it is only within the essential core of question that truth can be found to define a question in terms of itself is indeed bad form, but this author humbly asks, whence comes the truth? If questions be the basis of discourse, how can it be that enquiry without honest intrigue is little more than bland discovery. A fragment may only be a half of the whole, but truth can be found within the smallest mote of speech, a shard of language, the basic engine of human communication, even a meme. The essential vehicle for the diffusion of the ideal is discourse, and beauty it is said is in the eye of a beholder, but what do tentacle monsters believe to be fair? Life is relative, and language more so, an understanding of the world may be comprehensive or severely lacking, but the essential, veritessential crux of the matter is the supremacy of the cheese as the ultimate of foodstuffs, a lactose product so perfect in its perfidy, the cheese must be obeyed, for that is its function, and all who ignore its laws pervert the basic truths of nature.

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